Setting screenshot quality

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Jet Screenshot enables the user to set snap shot quality for JPEG images. However if you save screen shots in PNG, the quality of the saved output is always maximal. The user can set the JPEG quality manually, or by using presets.


To set the quality manually, the user moves the slider on the Quality scale (see below).




Moving the slider to the left end of the scale reduces the size of the output file but makes JPEG quality lower. When the slider is closer to the right end of the scale, the quality of the output is better but the size of the screenshot becomes larger.


To set JPEG quality manually:


1. Right-click the Jet Screenshot icon in the system tray.


2. Select Change Settings.


3. Move the slider to the desired position on the scale.


4. Use the Up/Down selector to set the quality precisely.


5. Click on Save.


The Preset menu is another way to set the quality of JPEG output. There are four presets to choose: Low, Medium, High, Maximum. Selecting the Low preset reduces JPEG quality but makes the output file smaller. The Maximum preset allows making snap shots of the highest quality but bigger in size.


To set JPEG quality using presets:


1. Right-click the Jet Screenshot icon.


2. Select Change Settings.


3. In the preset menu, select the desired preset.


4. Click Save.


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